At Divine Home Care Services we are fully cognizant of the shared responsibility that our caregivers have in the well-being of our clients, some of whom are among the most vulnerable to the COVID-19 virus.
As the COVID-19 spreads and gets closer to the communities that we serve, our approach toward preparing for its impact has had the following general characteristics so far:
1. Distribute relevant information
A decision was made to rely only on the Center for Disease Control and the World Health Organization as the official sources of any information that we would distribute among our employees. Flyers with relevant information on the symptoms and techniques to avoid the spread of the virus were distributed early on. Additionally, an Infection Control training module focused on coronavirus was adopted and made mandatory. The module is valid for Continuing Education credit and complements the ongoing training that our caregivers go through including on infection control and proper hand-washing techniques.
2. Insist on a simple but effective recommendation
Consistent with the guidelines put in place by the government regarding the benefits of social isolation and good hygiene habits at this stage, we are insisting on a very simple but effective recommendation to slow the spread of the virus:
3. Maintain an open line of communication
Understanding that the situation is continuously evolving, we are taking measures to maintain an ongoing line of communication with our caregivers and clients. We have designed a rotation among our office staff to follow up with each caregiver and client multiple times over the next couple of weeks. The purpose of this approach is two-fold: to update them on the spread of the virus in our communities and on any corresponding instructions from authorities, and to be able to identify promptly any possible infections within our own network.
The actions and precautions above respond to our need to be proactive toward preventing COVID-19 spread. We are committed to the safety of our employees, our clients, their families, and our communities in general. We are taking this pandemic very seriously and hope that, through the collective efforts of each of us individually, and of our healthcare professionals and first responders, the spread of COVID-19 will soon be contained and controlled until it is no longer a threat.